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So far Diana Orefice has created 168 blog entries.

Expanding Legal Labour Migration Pathways to the EU: Will This Time Be Different?

Commentary by Martin Ruhs, Deputy Director of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) and Co-Chair of Task Force 10. Originally published on IAI's website. The European Commission’s recently published “New Pact on Migration and Asylum” calls on EU member states to increase legal labour migration pathways, including for lower-skilled workers. To help achieve this goal, the [...]

Expanding Legal Labour Migration Pathways to the EU: Will This Time Be Different?2021-04-15T11:16:22+01:00

T20 Spring Roundtables

The next months will be crucial for the T20 think tank community to produce policy recommendations in view of the Italian G20 Summit in October. This series of T20-associated events (closed-door and public Roundtables) is intended as an occasion to broaden participation in the T20 by adding new voices of international experts, civil servants, and [...]

T20 Spring Roundtables2021-06-16T13:26:22+01:00

An Agenda for the G20 to Reset Global Trade Cooperation

Commentary by Anabel González, Co-Chair of TF3. Originally published on IAI's website. Amid a devastating pandemic, economic turmoil and political upheaval, international economic collaboration has unravelled. The world needs 2021 to be a turning point. Under the presidency of Italy, G20 countries have the opportunity to come together and craft a collective trade and investment [...]

An Agenda for the G20 to Reset Global Trade Cooperation2021-04-07T11:08:40+01:00
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