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So far Diana Orefice has created 168 blog entries.

The G20 should advance climate action at all levels to build a low-carbon and climate-resilient future

Official picture by G20 Italy Download the T20 Statement in PDF Climate change, biodiversity loss and sustainable growth are long-standing global challenges. Today they are even more crucial, given the crisis brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, which calls for making the much-needed recovery in the global economy compatible with action to meet, exceed [...]

The G20 should advance climate action at all levels to build a low-carbon and climate-resilient future2021-07-21T08:57:08+01:00

Debt relief, digitalisation and climate change: recommendations for the G20 Ministers

After the pandemic, it is key to avoid that we move from the COVID-induced economic crisis to a new financial crisis. The T20, through its Task Force on International Finance, calls G20 Economy and Finance Ministers for a renewed commitment to address this challenge by designing, and swiftly implementing, policy measures aimed to support countries at risk of debt distress, involve the private sector in debt relief, create innovative facilities to ensure debt sustainability, get ready for the digital money revolution, give climate risk analysis the due relevance considering its impacts on the financial architecture, monitor central banks activities that have extraterritorial impacts, and ensure transparency in capital flows especially when it comes to activities by State-Owned Multinational Enterprises.

Debt relief, digitalisation and climate change: recommendations for the G20 Ministers2021-09-02T10:28:11+01:00

Task Force 10 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations

Preliminary findings and proposals by Task Force 10 on Migration Developing social protection strategies for asylum-seekers and migrants Ensuring that refugees have access to health care, income support, and suitable working and living conditions. In the short-term integrated approaches should be developed to include refugees in national protection systems to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 [...]

Task Force 10 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations2021-07-12T14:44:18+01:00

Task Force 8 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations

Preliminary findings and proposals by Task Force 8 on Multilateralism and Global Governance Reforming and relaunching existing multilateral institutions in a post-pandemic scenario The lack of an unambiguous definition and specific assessment of the “costs” (not only economic) of global inaction in the face of common challenges may lead to sub-optimal policy decisions. We suggest [...]

Task Force 8 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations2021-07-12T14:45:52+01:00

Task Force 7 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations

Preliminary findings and proposals by Task Force 7 on Infrastructure Investment and Financing Data and Infrastructure Limited availability and poor standardization of data and information is a key barrier to both private investments and the life-cycle efficiency of infrastructure projects. More precise and standardized data would help capital-planning decisions based on the expected performance of [...]

Task Force 7 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations2021-07-12T14:47:05+01:00

Task Force 6 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations

Preliminary findings and proposals by Task Force 6 on Social Cohesion and the Future of Welfare Systems Impact of the pandemic on poverty and social mobility The pandemic has increased poverty worldwide, created new inequalities overlapping with pre-existing ones and has reduced social mobility as the main social elevator got stuck between repeated school closures. [...]

Task Force 6 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations2021-07-12T14:49:04+01:00

Task Force 5 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations

Preliminary findings and proposals by Task Force 5 on 2030 Agenda and Development Cooperation Supporting debt relief initiatives for fragile countries The T20 Task Force 5 (TF5) takes stock of the priorities identified by the Italian G20 Presidency on debt relief and the increase of fiscal space for Least Developed Countries (LDCs), particularly in the [...]

Task Force 5 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations2021-07-12T14:50:11+01:00

Task Force 4 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations

Preliminary findings and proposals by Task Force 4 on Digital Transformation A digital-led global recovery from COVID-19 To promote innovation in developing economies, targeting better the mobilisation of its resources by supporting these economies to create a comprehensive, rights-based digital ecosystem with a clear roadmap and encourage robust public sector transformations to make the digital [...]

Task Force 4 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations2021-07-12T14:50:42+01:00

Task Force 3 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations

Preliminary findings and proposals by Task Force 3 on Trade, Investments & Growth WTO Reform agenda Improving the functioning and centrality of the WTO and confronting “deglobalization” in the multilateral trading system by: i) promoting convergence and coordination via issue-specific focused dialogue on emerging trends in trade-related policies, building on lessons from the experience with [...]

Task Force 3 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations2021-07-12T14:51:16+01:00

Task Force 2 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations

Preliminary findings and proposals by Task Force 2 on Climate Change, Sustainable Energy & Environment Fighting climate change while relaunching the global economy Resetting low carbon green growth policies through stimulus packages in the aftermath of covid-19 pandemic. Devising recovery programs and bankable projects with the establishment of a low-carbon finance catalysing facility. Enhancing supportive [...]

Task Force 2 – Preliminary Policy Recommendations2021-07-12T14:52:27+01:00
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